Um protótipo de liberdade. Como se alguém tentasse criar seu próprio espaço para existir no mundo.
Em suas individualidades, cada música e cada fotografia deste álbum veicula visões a respeito desse assunto. De coisas simples, como tentar não ser engolido pela pressa assustadora da metrópole, a coisas mais complexas como "Por que os homens não podem fazer uma 'revolução masculina' como as mulheres fizeram?" (representada na capa, em que eu uso uma saia - se as mulheres podem usar calças, por que os homens não podem usar saias?), tentei expressar minha forma de entender a liberdade.
Neste encarte virtual, convido você a experimentar um pouco de liberdade - e de confinamento também, já que precisamos de opostos extremos para conseguir entender qualquer coisa. Você poderá ouvir as músicas, ler suas letras, ver informações técnicas e, se não for o bastante, ainda poderá explorar "O Arquivo" - uma coisa diferente em cada música. E tudo isso envolvido nas incríveis fotografias de Amanda Louzada, que você pode baixar como papel de parede para seu computador.
Se você quiser baixar as músicas, elas estão disponíveis na página principal - baixe de graça e, se achar justo, deixe uma caixinha no meu "chapéu virtual". Você também pode comprar o álbum nestas lojas online.
Chega de falar! Sente-se confortavelmente, clique na seta abaixo e divirta-se!
Participações especiais:
Vocal: Rodrigo Calejon
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Living sensation inside
Burning emotions in mind
Pressure now starts to rise
Eager to go on with life
Anxious and measuring time
Trying to guess what's ahead
This makes me want to run
Rush on, fast forward
I need to calm down, take a breath
I can't know what life will bring to
me, stop! Take a breath
And let life show me what's to come
Not easy
To just calm down!
Unbearable pressure within
Turmoil that grows inside me
My actions, there's something that holds
I'm tired of carrying this load
I need to calm down, take a breath
I can't know what life will bring to
me, stop! Take a breath
And let life show me what's to come
With your mind ahead
Not easy
It's so hard
To just calm down!
With your mind ahead
Not easy
It's so hard
To just calm down!
Participações especiais:
Duelo de guitarra com: Hugo Mariutti
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City Lights
When the first ray of light brightens the metropolis
Thousands are already on the rush
On the way to the daily bread
With the arms of time embracing
As the last trace of sun runs back to the sky
Thousands are still on the rush
Working for the bread of the next day
'Til dew stops landing over leaves
And the clock ticks days and years
With the city lights running red and white
The wind blows to the passing of cars
The smell of carbon smoke in the air
People back and fourth on the concrete
Their path as grey as their lungs
Neon lights show the time running by
No delay is ever allowed
Skyscrapers keep the market engine
Money rushing through their veins
And the clock ticks days and years
With the city lights running red and white
And the clock ticks days and years
With the city lights running red and white
As the clock ticks days and years
Some lights fade for others to shine
Participações especiais:
Vocal: Daniella Alcarpe
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Rays on the Water
Morning comes
I look through the window to see
The trees and birds, to keep on
The breathing life:
The reason for a being to exist
The meaning of us all
A life to live in peace
Without appointments or engagement
With the purest eyes I see
(Rays on the water)
Announcing the light of day
(Rays on the water)
I'm cleaned by the light of a new day
(Rays on the water)
Taking the pain away
(Rays on the water)
Reaching inside!
Energy from the earth flows through me
And mine goes back to nature
Free at last
No more urban stress
A life to live in peace
Without appointments or engagement
With the purest eyes I see
(Rays on the water)
Announcing the light of day
(Rays on the water)
I'm cleaned by the light of a new day
(Rays on the water)
Taking the pain away
(Rays on the water)
Reaching inside!
E se algum dia eu olhar pra trás
E ver como era brutal
Meu jeito de ver cada dia igual
Tão duro e tão irreal
(Rays on the water)
The sun brings the light of day
(Rays on the water)
Reflecting the eyes of a new man
(Rays on the water)
Washing the pain away
(Rays on the water)
Reaching inside!
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The Grand Stage
I've been a hero
A villain too
I've conquered worlds
But this is past by now
I'm not the things
I've ever wanted to be
I can't be what others would say 'no'
And who would ever say
That one day I've been so much more
Than the people let me be?
Time's gone by
Grown up, I have
The kid's imagination will be no more...?
But why should I care
about what they think of me?
Why leave to no one
this great space to act?
The grand stage
Feeling the magic of childhood again
The grand stage
Letting that freedom flow
without the pain
The grand stage
To be the actor playing every role
The grand stage
To live moving on my soul
And who would ever say
That one day I've been so much less
Than life lets me be?
Time's gone by
Grown up, I have
And still to find in me there is so much more
Why should I care
about what they think of me?
Why leave to no one
this great space to act?
The grand stage
Feeling the magic of childhood again
The grand stage
Letting that freedom flow
without the pain
The grand stage
To be the actor playing every role
The grand stage
To live moving on my soul
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I'm sorry I made you write this song
I'm sorry to be the one
I've never meant things to be this way
I'm sorry I chose to go.
I couldn't love no one
I couldn't love myself
That's why I wasn't there
To watch you grow a man
I don't know how to act right
I don't know what should I do
I don't know how to aid you
How to show you what a man should be
The time has come
The clean up has begun
The time has come
There's no place to run
Father, please release my hands
You were never worthy holding them anyway
You pretend to care about my ways
This ain't no time to make your amends
Tonight I'm leaving the worst in me
Tonight I am dying
So I can crawl away from the agonizing child
And rise a man
Participações especiais:
Sintetizadores: Fabio Ribeiro
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Participações especiais:
Vocal e baixo: Ale Souza
Solo de teclado: Fabio Ribeiro
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Trapped inside this dark cell
Don't know who got me here
Walls scarred by humidity
Don't know who can take me out
I listen to rude voices screaming
"You'll never leave this putrid place"
Anguish and fear mix with rage
that won't get me out of this hell
They're gonna seize me
They're gonna lock me in
They're gonna seal me
Away to forevermore
I wanna be as the ones that I look up to
Shine my light through these walls
These future memories of happiness
Almost holds back the seed of the scream
Trapped, prisioner,
Locked in tiny space
Let him in the dark
Rotting forever
They're gonna seize me
They're gonna lock me in
They're gonna seal me
Away to forevermore
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Come with me
Ride on
To our dreams
Let's play the madness and run astray
Move on with our lives free from mistakes
Freedom will guide our steps through the streets
Joy and adrenaline fill our bodies
You with me?
Grab all the sadness and throw away
Forget the bad things, they're all at stake
Shout out the nice things you want to be
The universe will manage to make'em real
You're free to believe
You're free to exist
You're free, can't deny
You're free as you were
meant to be!
Let's do it already!
Party your own way, at night or day
No need to do it like others say
Dive in the pool of your hopes and dreams
Rise the king of your destiny
You're free to believe
You're free to exist
You're free, can't deny
You're free as you were
meant to be!
You're free to believe
You're free to exist
You're free, don't deny
You're free as you were
meant to be!
We're free to believe
We're free to exist
We're free, can't deny
We're free as we were
meant to be!
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She Spoke
She spoke right to the life inside
Bringing the light back to my eyes
Her smile touched me in a way I'd never felt
Her hair moved in waves and breathed air
Into my chest
Her voice would tear apart the walls 'round my head
Her eyes would see through the veils I had set
Over myself
As life outside strays
In insane ways
My mind drifts in love through the space
The only sure place
To survive all days
Is the high sky above we have once chased
Her skin soothed my skin and within
Caressed the thin layer of reality
Taking me in
As life outside strays
In insane ways
My mind wanders lost through the space
The only sure place
To survive all days
In a blind move we tossed away
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Tale of Forecoming Lore
I am here to tell to you
Of the stories of the past
Of a time we went beyond the nature's strip
I'm here to tell you of a time
Of the centuries gone by
When our kind was up in glory and turned to dust
Our chemistry went "beyond"
Our weapons were so much
We had the means to bring up life and end it
We used water freely
During endless hours to see
Though we knew that water was at it's end
Please, people of this
New Era of the Earth
Undo the scars we brought upon the planet's face
I know of many who believed
Wood was there for us to take
But we ripped off mercilessly the world's lung
I know of more who even thought
Their actions meant of naught
That their deeds would never hurt the place they lived
But now you see that the greed
And the egoism of that race
Took away the most of them, away from life
Please, people of this
New Era of the Earth
Undo the scars we brought upon the planet's face
Músicas e letras por Thiago Schiefer
Produzido por Thiago Schiefer
Co-produzido, gravado e mixado por Ale Souza e Fabio Ribeiro no estúdio The Brainless Brothers - São Paulo, Brasil
Masterizado por Brendan Duffey em Norcal Studios - São Paulo, Brasil
Vocais, guitarras, violões e baixos (exceto onde especificado), percussão bucal e programação de bateria eletrônica por Thiago Schiefer
Baixos em City Lights, The Grand Stage e Trapped por Ale Souza
Sintetizadores por Fabio Ribeiro
Bateria por Du "Mosca"
Coro em The Grand Stage por Ale Souza, Amanda Gasparetto, Rodrigo Calejon e Thiago Schiefer
Participações especiais:
Vocais adicionais em Frantic por Rodrigo Calejon
Duelo de guitarra em City Lights com Hugo Mariutti
Vocais femininos em Rays on the Water por Daniella Alcarpe
Vocais adicionais em Trapped por Ale Souza
Solo de sintetizador em Trapped por Fabio Ribeiro
Deus; minha mãe Suely, meu pai Benedito e minha avó Mercedes, sem os quais nada disso seria possível; Bárbara Mazzola, que me ajudou a transformar este projeto no que ele é; Daniella Alcarpe e Marina Caron, que trouxeram minha voz e meu espírito "para fora"; Rodrigo Calejon, César Bernardi, Fabio Sciedlarczyk, Amanda Gasparetto, Pedro Zambarda e todos os meus amigos pelo apoio ao longo dos anos; Ale Souza, Fabio Ribeiro e Hugo Mariutti, por acreditarem; Edu Ardanuy, Dagoberto Feliz, Roger Benet, Ciro Visconti, Rafael Dantas e os muitos professores que me ensinaram cada coisa que eu sei sobre arte; Thiago Gaeta, Marcus Petrelli, Sophia Novoa, Marô Castro e todos meus parceiros musicais ao longo dos anos; e VOCÊ, que gostou deste projeto o bastante pra ler tudo até aqui!